Friday, September 5, 2014

Why ?

Any cool gadget you have in your home or hand has lot of RF circuits built into it. May it be a TV, printer, laptop, cell phone or even security it...I bet  it has RF circuit in it. What about your car? Of course there is no modern car without an (in fact multiple) RF block in it.

What is RF ? RF stands for Radio frequency which ranges anywhere from 10MHz to 50GHz. WiFi, Blue tooth, Radio, TV, cell phone,  and many other devices operate at radio frequency to communicate with each other and to transfer information from one to other. In the process of transferring data from one device to another, the gadgets use RF amplifiers, filter, RF converters, and many other circuits to process RF signals. We can call these little circuits RF blocks.  Designing these RF blocks require special skills and experience. Any one who is out of college can probably write micro controller program or C-program and make a digital circuit work with minimum experience. But I doubt that some one out of college can design and implement a microwave diplexer or triplexer and meet all the design requirements. RF Engineers with many years of experience may be able to do it within couple of weeks depending upon the band gaps and frequency range etc..... Most of the time these RF circuits involve complex filters which takes days to design, and weeks to implement correctly.